Say anything quotes he made me laugh
Say anything quotes he made me laugh

say anything quotes he made me laugh
  1. Say anything quotes he made me laugh full#
  2. Say anything quotes he made me laugh plus#

"I've been told my artificial intelligence standards are too high". "I don't have any plans, but I am sure a few million things will pop up". Siri has a couple of responses for this one too. I fell asleep." What are you doing later? "Inception is about dreaming, about dreaming, about dreaming, about dreaming, about something or other. "The Apple Macintosh is my favourite computer".

say anything quotes he made me laugh

"I'm not really good with food, Britta.", "I can't.

Say anything quotes he made me laugh full#

"Britta, you are full fair, 'tis true, but… No, you're definitely the fairest one of all", "Snow White? Is that you?" Please can you make me a sandwich? Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? "I have an angry bird." Draw me something And not just because I'm actually, well, in it". There is "To get your attention, got it", "I just bumped into some ones and zeros" and "I'm learning to play the vibes". Lots of responses for this one so keep asking. "Is that you Mary?", "The sound of that is something quite atrocious". "All the best virtual assistants prefer the iPhone". What phone should I buy or what phone is the best? "That's like comparing apples and.not apples". "Something about obeying people and not hurting them. Do you follow the three laws of robotics? "I am not perspicacious about the peregrinations of poultry". Siri has a couple of responses to this, one of which is brilliant and far too long to rewrite so we will let you find out for yourself. "He's in your heart and at The North Pole. Dwayne who? Dwayne the bathtub, I'm dwowning," "Knock, knock. I just have silicon", "That's a topic for another day, and another assistant". But I have a pretty great file directory".

Say anything quotes he made me laugh plus#

Plus or minus one standard cuteness deviation". "Nice, I think you're ready to roll", "My instructors told me never to answer that question", "A correlation of the available spatiotemporal, semantic and conversational evidence supports the provisional conclusion that you're totally hot. You can set an egg timer but not a chicken timer. Hope that helps" and "Interesting question. Stack overflow", "Some believe an ancient 'proto-chicken' laid an egg containing a DNA mutation that resulted in a chicken hatching from said egg. They both have the same birthdays", "Chicken, egg, chicken, egg, chicken, egg, chicken, egg. Siri has a few smart answers for this one. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? "Imagine that you have zero cookies and you split them evenly among zero friends, how many cookies does each person get? See, it doesn't make sense and cookie monster is sad that there are no cookies, and your friends are sad because they don't exist. "I've heard that 'Blade Runner' is a very realistic and sensitive depiction of intelligent assistants".

say anything quotes he made me laugh

"Excuse me while I jump from the maintenance catwalk into the air shaft.and then get sucked into the gas shaft and then cling to a weather vane in the underside of Cloud taphorically". "I'm completely operational and all my circuits are functioning perfectly". "Just be yourself", "Say Hi, I'm Britta, and take it from there" Testing 1,2,3 Cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats".

say anything quotes he made me laugh

Boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots. But last time I checked it was still around". I paid and left the store, buckled in the toddler and as I went round my car, saw that one of the two teens had dropped his wallet as he had stepped out of the car (passenger side), so I quickly picked it up and took it inside to find them and went to him and said ‘I think this belongs to you?’ Oh the look of relief on his face as he checked his pocket realizing it was empty was priceless! He said ‘thanks’ and I quickly left.Ī funny twist to this story is that as I drove away all proud and happy, I said to myself in a loud voice “oh what a nice person I am!” only to hear this tiny voice from the back seat say “no you’re not!!” …."The world changes. As I was at the checkout paying, a couple of young teenage boys entered the store. A few years ago I had stopped for milk at the local corner store bringing with me my friend’s two year old boy who I’d babysit.

Say anything quotes he made me laugh